Eight Fundamental Truths that Govern Your Reality

What is the true nature of my reality?

Maybe the nature of your reality is not what you thought it was. Maybe you have been taught to accept a set of assumptions that are not in keeping with the true nature of your reality and are outdated. If this were true, would realizing the true nature of your occurring reality not enormously impact the way you live your life?  Would it not be powerful to actually know what is true about your reality, and reconsider the consequences of this in your current experience of life? Would that not shift how you have been addressing your problems and concerns in life?

Truth #1: You can’t change the reality of an occurrence that you are the source of

Do you remember those moments in which you really got frustrated, and no matter how determined you were for something to change in your life, nothing worked?

What is your usual response when there is something in your life that you don’t like? You want to change it, don’t you? This is a gut reaction. But ask yourself the question: who is experiencing this reality that you don’t like? The simple answer is: YOU! Now think about this. How could you change something that at the same time you hold in mind or are holding in your attention? The conclusion for a sane person is inescapable: You can’t change the reality of an occurrence that you are the source of. You can’t sit and stand at the same time. You can’t hold something in your hand, and with the same hand being still, change the shape of what you are holding! You are both the experience itself and  the person who is having the experience!

Isn’t that true?

You can’t change something that you are already experiencing. How then can you about having a different experience of life? The short answer is, by first accepting and allowing for the reality that you are already experiencing. The true nature of your reality is transient. By letting be and allowing for what you are experiencing, chances are that it will pass or will take on a different character.

You can’t change the reality of an occurrence that you are the source of. You can only let it be.

If you dislike what you experience, just let it be and it will let you be. This is counter-intuitive when you experience something that you dislike – you tend to resist and argue with it – but at the level of what is true, the healthy choice is to let be and let go.

If you own this truth, you will start developing peace around the things in your life and with these new capacities you can create the opening for other possibilities to occur.

Truth #2: You can’t undo the existence of what is already occurring

Realizing this truth will forever change the outlook you have on life. In fact, honoring this fundamental law of awareness, your life will never be the same, and a new door opens up for you in dealing with your ongoing problems issues and concerns in life. Not only will this insight greatly surprise you, but eventually it will lead to a life beyond anything you could imagine.

Let me give you an example: when something occurs that you don’t like – be it a feeling of some sort, a diminishing thought, a mood that is about to take over, isn’t your habitual defense mechanism to resist it, push it aside – or worse engage with it and try to figure out what the cause of this undesirable emotion or experience? Isn’t this how you habitually solve your problems? Have you also noticed that when you engage with your problems they usually do not go away?

Why is this?

If you look carefully at what actually happens when you engage in mental activities that aim to “solve” your problems, you will discover the fundamental truth that the only thing these activities have in common and aim for is to undo the existence of what is already occurring in your life. If you really think about it – at the level where things are true for you – this is the aim of all of your mental activities that you unleash when a problems arises that won’t let go of you.

How could you possibly undo the existence of something that has already occurred? Any intention to intervene is too late! It already exists! The conclusion for a sane person seems inescapable: if neither resisting what is occurring, nor using your mental activities towards changing it, influence it at the level of existence, then choosing to engage with it in any way in that moment is simply crazy!

This is a truth that you need to experience for yourself. You  will need a bit of courage to do so, since it is going against years of habitual ways of being that you have developed in how you approach your occurring reality.

Truth #3: The only way of being that is in keeping with the true nature of your occurring reality is allowing and letting be

If you stop your efforts trying to change your occurring reality, and instead acknowledge the existence of what is occurring in your awareness – no matter what it is – you will then discover that the only way of being that is in keeping with the true nature of your occurring reality is allowing and letting be.

Allowing and letting be are how you deal with your occurring reality in a way that is more in harmony with your true nature and the nature of your occurring world. I am not saying that these are ways that lead you to feel more comfortable with your occurring world – because often it is not comfortable – but they are definitely ways of being that are most authentic and in keeping with the true nature of your reality.

The mind does not comprehend that allowing for something lets it pass in your awareness. The mind does not comprehend that allowing lets occurrence return to its true nature, which is a passing reality. The tendency to intervene, to work on what bothers you, to try figure it out, only keeps it in existence.

It will take courage and a bit of faith to allow for what you don’t like, but as you will see from your own experience, when you bring a commitment to existence to your occurring reality, new doors open up.

Allowing and letting be bring you to  a place where you can be at peace with your current reality, and when you play around a bit with this new approach to life, you will discover that allowing and letting be puts  you in touch with your true nature and lets you discover the truth of what is. It removes the immobilizing impact that some of people’s opinions have on you, and lets you discover the truth behind it. Letting be and allowing for someone’s opinion, lets you realize the truth that a person’s opinion has nothing to do with you, and tells you everything about them, not about you.

What a freedom to finally be released from other people’s opinions!

Truth #4: The true nature of your occurring reality is that it passes

When you have the courage to let be, and stop treating your occurring reality as an alien that has invaded your space, it leads you to be in touch with your true nature and you will start to see the truth of what is.

The true nature of your occurring reality is that it passes. Nothing sticks, nothing persists – when you let it be. The moment you engage with what is occurring, you keep it in existence. This sounds paradoxical to the mind, since the mind only works in linear terms and cannot grasp the true nature of your occurring reality. The mind does not comprehend that allowing for something lets it pass in your awareness.

I am not talking here about problems and concerns that need practical solutions or demand your immediate attention. I am talking about problems  that preoccupy your mind, a sudden unexplained shift in mood, a diminishing thought – while you are having a great time – or the unexpected expression of someone’s opinion that displaces your sense of presence.

The realization of this fundamental truth will definitely interrupt a life-long habit of sabotaging your own success and happiness. When applied – and it may take a bit of courage at  the beginning – you will instantly set yourself free from worry, procrastination, anxiety, and doubt. Some of your problems and preoccupations will just vanish, and you will wonder what kept you from knowing the power of this simple truth!If  you notice that some of your concerns persist, it simply means that you still need to grow and expand yourself, and probably need to let go of some of your attachments to the way things are for you.

It is important to know that what you experience most of the time is just a passing reality, and if you just leave it alone – allow for it – you can move on and shift your attention to more inspiring realities. You can explore new and exciting avenues, grow and apply yourself to any undertaking in the world.

Truth #5: You are the experience

You cannot separate yourself from your reality. This is where the problem lies. You are the occurring reality, whether you like it or not. Any attempt to separate yourself from it – by questioning it, challenging it, or trying to finding a solution – only strengthens what is occurring for you.

You may have felt at times captured like a fly in a bottle bouncing back and forth against the glass wall, never really being able to find your way out of the bottle towards your freedom. When something bothered you, and stayed with you for a little while, you tried to figure it out. You looked for familiar solutions, hoping that the problem would just go away. You looked for explanations…only to find out that your solutions only aggravated your problems. Sounds familiar?

The truth of the matter is that you are the experience. In the moment of an occurrence, there is no separation between yourself and what is occurring. You are the totality of your being. You are both awareness as well as the occurrence itself – simultaneously. You are not all the things that define you or others tell you that you are. You are the experience. Another way of talking about this is saying that you are consciousness, which implies the co-arising of both awareness and what you are aware of. There is no separation, only in your own mind …..when you  think about it.

Think back to the good times when you were just doing what you liked and were fully engrossed in an experience. It may have been something silly, it may have been something significant. You were just being. You were just enjoying yourself, and there was hardly a self-awareness of you doing it. There was no distinction between yourself and the activity you were engaged in. And when you did become aware of “yourself,” suddenly the whole action fell apart and the delightful experience was interrupted! In your best moments, you are not there!

In your best performance – whether this is as a carpenter, a surgeon, or a race car driver – you are on your peak performance when you are the experience. There is a coordination that is given by your commitment and your sense of presence. You are your best self when you are the experience!

Truth #6: The infinite is your true nature

Who then – you may ask – am I really? I have been told that I am my profession, my job, my family legacy, the color of my skin, and my religion. I have invested all this time and effort in my identity, and now you tell me that this is not really who I am?

It is true that in the moment you are fully engaged in an activity, you are what you are doing. When you read a book, you are a reader. When you practise law, you are a lawyer – but only in the moment you are engaged in this activity. What is the real you, the constant that is present in all of these activities? Where is that part of you that coordinates, gives direction and guidance and in moments of clarity shows you the light of what is true and not true; what decisions to take, and which situations to avoid?

If you look at the one constant, one never-changing aspect of yourself – and this is often the place you return to intuitively – it is your sense of the infinite. If you think about it….what could possibly exist that never changes and is constant? If you were a mathematician your answer would be clear: the infinite. If you were asked this question as a human being, the answer would still be the same: the infinite – a sense of omnipresence, with no beginning and no end.

If you look at the images taken of our planet Earth from the space shuttle, and you realize that we are one of many billions of planets orbiting around other planets in a vast, infinite universe, and you just allow yourself to be with this image, then …….you get present to something remarkable. You get present to a sense of wonder and mystery, and you start to recognize this sense of vast and infinite presence as your true nature. You feel a sense of homecoming. It may not explain much about yourself, but at least you are in touch with your true nature!

In the face of this remarkable insight, all and any other considerations that define you in terms of an identity become meaningless and rather funny. You realize there is no permanence in any of the considerations you have about yourself, but the only permanence is found in your sense of the infinite.

Truth #7: You shift into another perspective by belonging to the unfolding

Now that we have covered that you can’t change your reality, and neither can you separate yourself from your reality, you may start to wonder…how then do I create a different perspective of life when something occurs that I don’t like? Am I stuck with the reality I’ve got?

The answer is unequivocally “No!” You are not stuck with the reality that you’ve got. You have just found out that the solutions you adopted as a habit to create a different reality were futile and did not work. They had the same effect as barking against a tree telling the tree to be different from the way it is. I am sure you see the absurdity of it!

No wonder you got stressed out and felt that you had no capacity to impact your reality. You have been trying to change your reality expecting different results! That definitely is a definition of insanity. If there was a significant change that occurred in your life, you probably attributed it to a lucky break!

When you allow and let be – in other words, when you acknowledge the existence of what is occurring and you belong to the unfolding – you will reach a point where you let go of your familiar sense of yourself and temporarily lose any familiar reference to who you are. This is like the space shuttle orbiting the moon, and when it enters the dark side of the moon – the part that stands between the Earth and the Sun – there is a moment of no radio contact with ground control. Then after a period of silence, there is a sudden crackle in the loudspeaker that breaks through the silence, and a voice says, “Houston, we are back. All is well.”

When you are willing to allow, let be, and belong to the unfolding, you will orbit the center of your being and for one moment lose control and lose touch with what is familiar to you. In that moment of surrender, you will recognize the infinite as your true nature, and know that all is well. You are connecting to your source. And when you surface and look at the problems that consumed you, you will notice a different perspective. The problems have not changed, but you have “changed.” You are refreshed in the way you see things and are seeing the truth of what is. You have shifted into another perspective by belonging to the unfolding.

Truth #8: You create your own reality

In truth #8 all previous truths come together. Since you now are clear that you are your experience, and you shift into another perspective by belonging to the unfolding, you are now very close to realizing that it is in your capacity to create your own reality.

When an expectation is not fulfilled, be it something silly, a scheduled holiday, or a significant event, rather than making a sour face and dwelling on it for days, I suggest that you let it be and allow for it…. It will be the breaking of a habit, and you will go through different spaces when you do that, but seriously – if you allow and let be and you make your revolution of belonging to the unfolding –  then at some point you wind up in a place where you see the truth of what is. You realize that it was just a possibility for something, and that nothing is lost.

You are now in a place where you can create something else – maybe even better than what you had planned, or set your mind to.

Here are some simple instructions on how you can create your own reality:
1.    Be open to be inspired
2.    Use your imagination
3.    Envision the experience of your new reality already being fulfilled
4.    Assume the feelings of your new reality already being fulfilled
5.    Make notes of what actions you can take now as an expression of this new reality
6.    Be in action!

You are never stuck in your reality, if only you let go of your resistance to what you are currently experiencing. It takes courage and sorting yourself out at different levels, but the journey is worth the effort and discomfort that you may be experiencing. You can’t expect to create a new reality and feel comfortable at the same time!

If you want an extraordinary life – which is possible – you will need to expand yourself beyond your zone of comfort and use your imagination!

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