The Eight Myths of Happiness

When you find yourself being unhappy, you most likely continue to apply the same strategy, hoping that one day you’ll get lucky and produce a different result. Either that or you blame some other person or exterior circumstance and thus continue to hang on to inaccurate beliefs and assumptions that cause you to continue taking actions that aren’t leading to happiness and success.

It’s typical of human beings to hang on to beliefs long after they have outlived their usefulness. Most people grow up in circumstances that cause them to develop false beliefs or defense mechanisms. However, once those circumstances have passed, they still hang on to those beliefs and behaviors that got them by for a time, despite the fact that they’re no longer useful in their new environment.

Suppose that everything that has been taught to you how to live a happy and successful life is inaccurate. Suppose that this is not personal. Most likely what you learned in school did little to help you understand how the world really works and how to be happy and successful.

Realizing this, you may feel you frustrated. However, frustration and dissatisfaction presents you with an opportunity to change your approach and thus get the results you really want. But this starts with accepting the fact that the rules that govern your occurring world are different to what you might now believe. If this were nottrue, you’d probably be a whole lot more satisfied with your life and have more of what you really want.

So now that we have that out of the way, let’s look first at a few of the popular myths that keep you from getting what you really want:

Myth #1: Happy People Are Lucky

There’s no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives. There’s no doubt that sometimes bad things happen to good people and that good things happen to bad people. But it’s also true that billions of people go through their lives tolerating poverty, poor relationships and poor health because of something they call “bad luck.”

In his best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill wrote about a series of experiments conducted to determine how lucky people got to be that way. Is it really up to fate, or is there something else going on?

The results of the experiments proved that lucky people were simply those who remembered the good things that had happened to them and who focused on what they really wanted.

On the other hand, people with “bad luck” remembered mostly the bad things that had happened to them and focused on what they didn’t want.

As you’re about to learn, this alone is an important difference between people who get what they want and people who don’t get what they want.


Myth #2: Someday You Will Be Happy

You probably live with the idea that “someday” things will be better. You are rarely at peace with yourself right where you are – in the middle of your life. Have you looked around to see how blessed you are? Isn’t it a privilege to be alive? Even if your resources are limited, look at what you have! Look at the people in your life who truly care for you. People who are true friends. People who are real with you. Isn’t that a gift?

Yes, there may be circumstances you would like to improve. That is rational. But watch how you relate to your current reality when you aspire to live in a different set of circumstances.

If you are honest, you will notice that you are probably not fully accepting of your current circumstances and the way life is occurring for you. Can you see how silly this is? Can you see how silly it is to be not accepting of your own life? In this mindset you start dreaming from a sense of lack. Have you noticed that getting what you want or desperately strive for does not really make you happy?

Why is this?

Striving for happiness from a place of not fully accepting and being at peace with your current set of circumstances sets you up for a disappointment and at the same time robs you of  your true power to make things happen!

There is a difference between 1) having a sense of lack and 2) considering that something is possible. True dreaming does not start from a place of lack, but from a place of possibility.

Is it possible to be accepting of your current circumstances, be at peace with them, AND at the same time create an intention to experience a new reality? The answer is Yes! Absolutely! Chances are you have more power in creating a new set of circumstances, if you have developed a capacity to be at peace with your current reality.

There is more on this when I introduce you to The Eight Fundamental Truths about the True Nature of Your Reality.

Continue reading!


Myth #3: When You Get Rid of What Makes You Unhappy, You Will Be Happy

You have probably grown up with the idea that when you feel unhappy, you need to get rid of that feeling. Isn’t that true? But haven’t you noticed that when you make efforts to get rid of something that you don’t like, you seem to get more of it! How annoying is that!

How is that possible?

As you will discover in The Eight Fundamental Truths about the True Nature of Your Reality, you can’t change the reality of an occurrence that you simultaneously are the source of. You can’t change what you hold in mind. You can’t sit and stand at the same time.

The other fundamental truth is that you cannot undo a reality that you are alreadyexperiencing. If you are focused on getting a different experience of life from  the one you are already having, then in that moment you are not acknowledging the existence of what is already occurring in your life. Your efforts are geared towards making undone what already exists. Can you see the insanity of this?

How foolish to go about wanting to change what you are already experiencing when your efforts will do nothing. The conclusion for a sane person seems inescapable. If your efforts to change what you are experiencing will do nothing about the existence of what is already occurring in your life, then trying to get rid of it is simply crazy.

How then deal with your experiences of life that you don’t like? Very simple! You allow for them! As you will discover in The Eight Fundamental Truths about the True Nature of Your Reality, allowing is the only way of being that is in keeping with the true nature of your reality.

Isn’t this insight refreshing?

If you were to truly realize this, you would experience more peace, take better decisions in your life, raise your level of energy…and become your best self!


Myth #4: When You Find the Reason Why You Are Unhappy, You Will Find Happiness

Now…a lot of people are stuck in this false belief!  When there is a problem, you probably want to find the reason. You probably “work” on it. You try to “figure” it out. You have learned that you need to look into the past. “Something must have happened that explains why I am the way I am! Is this really true? How do you know? Who told you that? What books did you read that gave you that idea?

Who says that if you find the “reason” that explains why you are unhappy, you will be happy?

Let me reveal to you a secret. It is a lie. It is a false promise that has led many young people on the wrong path of sorting themselves out. Have you noticed that when you start searching for the reason why things are the way they are, you get more consumed by the problem? You may feel more miserable. You may even feel more frustrated. Sometimes you may experience a temporary relief with a great explanation, but then life takes over, and you are right back  where you started! The great explanation only worked in that situation, and now you need to look for another explanation!

If you look honestly at yourself ….your efforts to find an explanation are nothing more than an effort to try to undo what already exists. You want to make it disappear, to have the problem resolved. But how can you undo something that already exists?

Have you noticed that you don’t live in a linear reality? The nature of your reality is not linear, but is an occurring reality. If you are unhappy with what you are experiencing, trying to get rid of it – in this case by finding the reason – is a recipe for insanity. Chances are you will get more of what you are trying to get rid of!

The fundamental truth is that the only way to be with an experience of unhappiness – and which makes it most likely to pass – is by just letting it be.

Allowing and letting be are how you set yourself free from your demons. If you expand your capacity to be with discomfort, and just allow for the experience, you will grow, you will learn, you will develop a better and evolved understanding of yourself and the world…and in the end you will reach a sense of peace that makes you more likely to experience authentic happiness and get what you want in life.


Myth #5: When You Solve Your Problems, You Will Be Happy

When you size up your life and consider the possibility of happiness, you most likely believe that when you have solved your problems, you will be happy. “If only I had these problems solved, I would be happy.” Is this true? Who says so?

I am sure you have had many problems in your life and you have solved many problems. Are you happy right now? If you are, then skip this free report, and I am your champion! If you are not – and chances are that you are not – then consider the following:

Your unhappiness most of the time results from not accepting what is. Those pockets in your being that feel dark and heavy – areas that you call “problems” – are due to your incapacity to let be and allow for what is occurring in your life. They are areas where you still need to expand yourself in your awareness, in your capacity to be inclusive, and maybe let go of some of your attachments to how it “should be.”

If you commit yourself to existence – when you see the truth of existence – you see the folly of wanting to see things differently than they are. A commitment to existence brings you on a journey of exploration. You become aware, rather than being in a constant state of engaging with what you don’t want. You discover new things about yourself and the world. You start to experience the truth of what is. You experience real freedom. You experience the truth of your own existence.

Are you up for the journey? Are you up for the challenge? Do you have what it takes to be a free person?

If the answer is “Yes”, then continue reading and take action in your life on what rings true for you in reading this free report.


Myth #6: Happiness Is What Makes You Feel Good

Remember the rare moments when you really felt happy. These were very special moments in your life. If you truly look into your heart, these rare moments expressed a connectedness to life. You had an expanded experience of yourself. You had a sense of the possible. You felt peace not experienced before.

These were moments where there was more present than just feeling good. You were connected to life. You were in touch with a true sense of who you are. You felt alive!  There was a sense of the infinite. Your experience was timeless.

Looking at your true experience of happiness – which you most likely have forgotten – does it now make sense to you to buy the next best thing? Do you honestly expect to be happy when you have reached certain goals, have your next best job, drop the person you are in a relationship with and have another person in your life?

What makes you feel good does not make you happy. In fact, it makes you unhappy, since you most likely will be disappointed once you receive what you strived for. You will probably say, “Is this all there is? Was it worth it? Was it worth all the efforts I made? Was it worth all the sacrifices I made? Did it give me the experience of happiness that I expected?” Only you can answer these questions, but most likely you found out that what makes you feel good does not necessarily make you happy.

You don’t have to buy into what you hear all around you in the media, or from people you meet, who tell you what makes them feel happy, or tell you what  should make you happy.

Happiness is a state of being that you reach when you participate in the world in keeping with your true nature; when you are yourself in your full self-expression; when you fulfill your intentions as an act of integrity.

The priority of truly happy people in the world is not how they feel. They are not focused on what makes them feel better, but their priority is how to be themselves, how to express themselves according to their own truth and how to become their best self.


Myth #7: Your Unhappiness Is Other People’s Fault

Most people who aren’t getting what they want out of life will be quick to tell you exactly who or what caused their life to turn out that way. In other words, most people see themselves as victims of either their circumstances or the choices of others and thus neglect their own power to assert control over their lives.

Again, there is no doubt that chance plays a role in all of our lives and that we’re sometimes directly or indirectly affected by the choices of others. However, when you are not accepting of what you are experiencing – no matter what the content of the experience is – you live in a perpetual state of blame, fault-finding and pointing to something outside of yourself that you hold responsible for your internal state.

But is this true?

When you assign cause or blame to someone or something outside of yourself for your occurring reality, you are not taking responsibility for your life. How can you blame someone else for your occurring world?

When you have difficulty being with something, who is to blame? How can you blame someone or something outside of yourself for something that you are experiencing? Doesn’t that sound silly?

Most successful people in the world acknowledge that no matter what happens to them, they take 100% responsibility for their experience of life.

And that makes all the difference.


Myth #8: You Are Who You Are and You Can’t Evolve

There’s no doubt that genetics plays a role in your development and in your capabilities to perform certain duties in life. But there are also a lot of people who believe that they were born the way they are and that there’s nothing they can do to change. For example, many people are shy or passive and believe that it’s just the way of their innate nature that can’t be altered.

The same is true for people’s beliefs about their degree of willpower, self-reliance, creativity, discipline, assertiveness and many other character traits.

Many people have problems with anger, poor health, low self-esteem, procrastination or timidity and believe that they are that way because of their parents, their nationality, their cultural upbringing and a whole range  of other things.

In reality, all of these character traits are a result of the habits that a person has formed during a lifetime of repeated choices. Once these choices become a habit, people develop the crippling belief that these habits are no longer choices.

Your life and your habits are not products of your genetics or your circumstances; they are the product of your choices. And you’re about to learn how to start making the kind of choices that will make all the difference in living your life your way.

I will introduce you a bit further in these posts to one simple thought exercise that will lead to greater success in finances, relationships, and family. This thought exercise is a firm commitment to be happy, fulfilled, and satisfied, no matter what the circumstances of your life are. I call this making The Choice. I will show you how powerful this choice is, and how making this choice affects your direct experience of life at a fundamental level and bypasses most of the myths you believe about happiness


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